Between marketing campaigns, web maintenance, and branding initiatives, it can be difficult enough to set up a successful publishing platform on your own. When publishers find out that you can monetize your website and use dynamic ads to increase your overall revenue, the first question is often, “Where do I start?”
OKO offers five key solutions to give publishers with web and app platforms the tools they need to rake in success and how to monetize websites for revenue increases online. Our custom packages to monetize websites with ads ensures that no two websites are alike, making it even easier for you to expand your bottom line. Below, we will cover the basics of web monetization, showing how to monetize websites for revenue, and offer a few great places to start.
Web and App Monetization
What exactly is web and app monetization, how do you do it, and what benefits can it bring to your publishing company? When it comes to optimizing your brand’s SEO, you often place a lot of focus on driving traffic to your website. With web revenue monetization, it is possible to profit off of each visitor that browses your app and services.
There are a few key considerations to make when starting a website revenue monetization plan for the first time. While there are several methods of earning money through your website, you won’t see much success using them if you don’t already have a good flow of traffic to your site. The best way to jumpstart your web presence and earn higher visitor numbers overall is to pair up with a Google Certified Publishing Partner and develop a custom monetization package to drive results in a way that works uniquely well for your company.
Why Monetize Your Website? 3 Big Benefits
If there are some caveats to getting started with web and app monetization – such as ensuring consistent and growing traffic on your online channels – then why monetize your website? Is the payoff worth the up-front time and labor it may cost to get things set up correctly?
One of the easiest and best ways to increase revenue is to monetize websites with ads. Indeed, there are some unprecedented benefits to website monetization that can not only boost your revenue but provide better support for ad optimization, offer more efficient ways to collect data, and give premium insights into the best-performing ad placements, ad formats, and ad imagery.
Additional benefits to monetize websites with ads include:
1. Access to Technical Experts
Managing the back end of a website is tricky enough, even for seasoned experts. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the technical aspects of website monetization and running a series of ad campaigns. Digital publishers may not have an IT team that can support these kinds of features. By partnering with AdOps professionals who are set up to support this part of your business, you’ll have a much easier time monetizing and profiting from your website success.
2. Efficient Ad Revenue Optimization
For publishers, in particular, there is a great advertising technique that can be used to make efficient use of multiple ad exchanges at once. Header bidding allows you to offer inventory to multiple buyers who can bid for the best price, which is bound to increase your ad revenue no matter what.
While header bidding can be done in-house with major publishers, most publishing companies benefit from a partnership with a monetization organization like OKO. It’s important to keep as many opportunities open as possible in order to get the best possible benefit.
3. Insight Into the Best Formats and Placements for Your Ads
Every website is different and dynamic, which is why it is important that your website goes through a full assessment to determine the best performers for success. What are the best ad types, formats, sizes, and placements for your sites and apps? What areas of your site are proven to have the highest ad viewability and effective cost-per-thousand (eCPM) impressions?
Getting Started with Revenue Monetization for Websites
Rome was not built in a day. Neither will your revenue skyrocket overnight. While there is no one magic spell to fully monetize and optimize your website at once, there are several proven solutions and strategies that we recommend to help kickstart your success to monetize websites with ads.
Here are some initial steps that you can start with to learn how to monetize websites for revenue, whether you utilize an in-house strategy or partner with our Google ADX Partner experts.
Sell Available Ad Space
Depending on the type of publishing platform you want to be, it might be a good idea to utilize your own dynamic ads and integrate customizable solutions on your site. However, if you find yourself with some extra space left over, you can invest in header bidding and sell that ad space to the most lucrative buyers.
This is an excellent way to not only maximize your passive ad earnings, but also have a good amount of control over what ads enter your space, how long they’re going to stay, and, of course, how to get the best bang for your buck.
Use Google AdSense
One of the most tried-and-true advertising models that might benefit your website revenue monetization efforts is PPC, or pay-per-click advertising. This lets you gain passive income by displaying ads on your website and your apps. This often is the foundation from which you will build and generate ad revenue without you having to actively go out and make a sale.
An AdSense partner will help you navigate and implement Google AdSense, which is the most popular tool for efficient website monetization. Google AdSense has built-in income support, helping you maximize your revenue generation tactics so you don’t miss out on this endless revenue opportunity.
Sell Your Services Online
Many publishers are making headway in eCommerce, offering digital goods and physical products sold in their online stores. It is easy to start monetizing your website with eCommerce through WordPress or other built-in platforms that will set you up for success.
Our OKO professionals know how to combine eCommerce services with different ad revenue options to maximize your earnings. Your publishing company is unique, and that should be reflected in your online presence. You can doubly profit from your website by encouraging traffic through ads and selling your own inventory online.
Improve Your Monetization Efforts with the Right Tools at Your Disposal
It is easy and exciting to earn a passive income by incorporating the right ads on your website. But getting started with monetization can be difficult when you aren’t sure which key features of your online presence to focus on first. Understanding how to monetize websites for revenue is just the first step.
Allow our OKO experts to help you out. Get in touch with us today to get set up with a unique ad management strategy to help you hit your web revenue monetization efforts from the ground running.