Google Consumer surveys are an interesting prospect for those looking for alternative ways to monetise their website. The process is simple: You wrap your premium content in a div that is hidden from users until they complete a quick survey and the publisher gets paid for each completion.
Rates are fixed at $0.05 per question answered, which sounds low, but read on to hear why this seemingly small sum shouldn’t be overlooked.
Publishers that OKO work with are seeing some incredible results from Google Consumer Surveys. $0.05 might not sounds much for a compared with AdSense CPCs, but the cost per completion is only part of the picture.With completion rates often averaging over 80% the potential exists for RPMs to considerably outweigh traditional display ad revenues. These can even pass the $100 RPM mark in some cases.The pitfall to watch out for is fill rates. Consumer surveys is young as a product and the dashboard is still quite basic. At the moment is does not report on fill rates and the RPM reported is based on surveys actually served. Demand can vary across geographic regions, so it is important to calculate actual performance vs page views rather than just relying on the reported RPM.Google consumer surveys are just one of many tools that we employ to help website publishers earn more for their traffic. If you would like to talk about how OKO can help you site earn more then why not contact us today?