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I’m really proud to announce that we have, this month, become part of a very exclusive online club. The Google AdSense Certified Partner programme identifies and certifies organisations that are able to give expert level support to site owners who run Google advertising on their websites. Until this month the programme had only 13 members worldwide and thanks to the expertise and hard work of our team we have just become the 14th member firm and the first UK based partners.
We’ve been involved with AdSense since the very beginning of Google’s $13 billion advertising programme for site owners. We’ve built, marketing and optimised numerous sites that use AdSense as part of the revenue mix and have gained valuable experience in doing so. Becoming AdSense Certified partners now lets us take the skills we’ve gained further and help a wider range of publishers benefit from them.
As certified partners our role is to work with site owners to increase their earnings. As Google Certified partners we are committed to doing that in a way that benefits publishers and all connected parts of the ad eco-system for the long term.
For more information on the advantages of working with a certified partner, or to talk about your particular project needs either view our AdSense Optimisation page or call us on 023 9246 0000.